
The Prep Course is the longest and most intense step in the St. Paul’s Foundation Selection Process. Candidates come to in-person lessons three times a week and take on various subjects. These lessons are delivered by volunteer teachers at St. Paul’s School. 

The lessons in the Prep Course vary from more “traditional” subjects, such as Maths and English, to subjects that they may have never encountered before, like Global Perspectives and Computer Science.  

This experience provides a lot of new opportunities for our pupils: aside from potentially being introduced to new topics, pupils can also review a concept they are already familiar with, but that is now being presented in a different way. 

One of the Scholarship Programme’s key criteria is the attitude, drive and motivation of the candidate to get involved in new educational opportunities. They must show passion for learning, curiosity and enjoying news challenges. For that reason, foundation pupils are mostly very excited and eager to learn, willing to take the most out of every lesson. These characteristics are pointed out by all volunteer teachers. Ms Rosie Twells, English teacher, affirms that: “It has been great to share the experience with the pupils, who are so engaged and enthusiastic during the classes”.   

Mr Daniel Hall, who has led several English classes in the Prep Course during his two years at St. Paul’s adds that he’s frequently impressed by how open-minded the candidates are. “We are frequently able to have thoughtful, meaningful discussions and I have received some fantastic, creative and original written work, which demonstrates real empathy and insight. For those young people who win a scholarship, the win is really for the school, as their presence here is enriching for our community.”  

Mr Fabio Hirano, who teaches Computer Science in the Prep Course, agrees that being a volunteer teacher for our candidates is “a win-win relationship”: “Every year I get to know the candidates and share a bit of what St Paul’s lessons look like. In exchange, they give me a breath of fresh air and new perspectives, which always contributes to my teaching practice by adding new ideas to diversify my own lessons”. 

The St. Paul’s Foundation aims to offer transformative opportunities from the very first moments of the Selection Process. Thanks to the support of the whole community – St. Paul’s Staff, donors, Pauleans and parents – we can provide unique positive experiences for all pupils participating in the selection, especially in the Preparation Course, even if they don’t become scholars. 

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